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 Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn

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Tổng số bài gửi : 183
Join date : 28/01/2010

Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn   Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn Empty3/3/2010, 3:49 pm

First of all welcome to The Phượng Mai Forum. This should be a place for all Phượng Mai fans to discuss her career. So have fun and be nice!

+ First of all respect Phượng Mai's privacy, paparazzi pictures or videos are NOT allowed.
+ No links to complete movies that you could buy somewhere, like on Amazon or something like that.
+ There will be no excessive use of profanity.
+ There will be no racial, ethnic, gender based insults or any other personal discriminations.
+ There will be no posts meant to offend or hurt any other member, in a manner which is offensive or inflammatory.
+ Empty posts like 'I agree', 'Thanks' or 'OMG she looks hot' and anything similar to those statements will be deleted.
+ Spamming is not permitted; please keep all your posts as constructive as possible.
+ Pornography or any other illegal transactions may NOT be linked in any shape or form.
+ All posts are property of the poster. This forum and all web sites owned in conjunction with this forum have the right to request alteration or deletion of any offensive post. Posts may be deleted for any reasons the forum administrators deem reasonable.
+ Users may not argue a moderators decision publicly. Any and all complaints directed at a moderator must first address the moderator in question via PM. If the problem can not be resolved, then the moderator and user must send their positions to the forum admin. The forum admin will make or change any and/or all final decisions.
+ Posting articles is okay as long as that is no more than 20% of the original material. A link to the original article should also be provided. As well as posting the link, members are strongly encouraged to post an extract of the article (up to 20% of the total) and/or a summary in their own words of the whole article.
+ Pictures may be posted as long as they are not explicit or offensive. You shouldn't post pictures directly to the forum, instead use an Image Hosting Service like TinyPic, Imageshack, Imagebam or Photobucket and then just post the thumbnail or link.
+ Signatures may contain images, but may not be any larger than 450x150px. If your signature is larger than the allotted size given, you will be requested by a moderator to resize your image. Failing to append with a moderator will result in the removal of your signature.
+ Icons may not be larger than 100x100px
+ Please keep foul language to a minimum, any excessive un-called for language will be removed and you will receive a warning.
+ Remember to post in the correct forum. Take your time to look at other topics and see where your topic should go. If your topic is placed in the wrong forum, it will be moved by a moderator.
+ If a topic is recognized as being posted in the wrong forum, or if the post is a violation of our guidelines then please contact a moderator; please do not respond publicly to the member - a member of staff will do what is required upon contact.
+ Each member is allowed one login account. Registering with multiple accounts is not allowed.

Violation of any of these rules will result in consequences (warning, temporary banning, permanent banning) determined on a case-by-case basis.

So I hope you enjoy The Phượng Mai forum!
Have fun,


If you are the copyright holder of any pictures on this forum and you don't approve of your work being shown on these pages, please let me know and I will remove them.
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Tổng số bài gửi : 183
Join date : 28/01/2010

Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn Empty
Bài gửiTiêu đề: Re: Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn   Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn Empty6/5/2010, 9:27 pm

Nhằm giúp cho các bạn vào đọc, tìm hiểu thông tin dễ dàng và để diễn đàn luôn gọn gàng,mong các bạn trước khi post bài chú ý vài điều.

- Các bài post sai chủ đề,nội dung và lời nói thiếu văn hóa,ngôn ngữ thô thiển sẽ bị xóa mà không cần nhắc nhở.Khi bài đã bị xóa mà có thắc mắc vẫn sẽ bị xóa tiếp tục.
- Việc dùng ngôn ngữ chat khó hiểu trong diễn đàn,cũng như post những bài viết nội dung không rõ ràng,chung chung cũng sẽ bị xóa.
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Forum Rules & Guidelines - Qui tắc và hướng dẫn
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